About Trusts
One of the more specialist areas in an ever-complicated and changing world; a trust may provide the perfect solution.
What solution can we offer you?
Trusts are an effective solution to protect your assets for your dependants from third parties and can also be useful tax saving vehicles. They are set up for a variety of reasons and benefits, as well as tax advantages, some of which are:
- Discretionary trusts for a family. These give you, the settlor/trustee, lasting control of the assets and are tax efficient in terms of UK inheritance tax (IHT)
- Asset protection trust for the internationally mobile client looking to preserve their assets in an efficient manner
- Discounted gift trusts for you, the settlor, give IHT advantages depending on age as well as access to your assets
- Loan trusts give you access to your funds placed in a trust but can be IHT efficient in the long term as growth outside the amount of the loan held in trust for beneficiaries is tax effective for IHT
- Excluded property settlements are highly tax-efficient for a non-UK domiciled spouse’s assets offshore if he/she plans to come to the UK in the long run